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Natural Remedies for Cold and Flu Season

Feeling under the weather? When the temperatures drop, we tend to spend more time indoors, get less sunshine and fresh air, and consume more indulgent, comfort foods. This combination leads to a higher exposure to airborne organisms and decreased immunity, which means you're more likely to catch a cold or flu.

But don’t be too quick to jump to over-the-counter solutions unless it’s absolutely necessary. Nature is chock full of remedies that can help you boost your immunity and alleviate symptoms of sickness. 

Here are 4 natural foods and remedies that will help you get through cold and flu season:

Garlic Raw garlic is an everyday superfood that should be included in daily meals to keep your immune system strong. It’s an anti-viral, anti-bacterial, anti-fungal powerhouse! In fact, one study found that consuming a garlic supplement every day reduced the number of colds by 63%, and even those who did get a cold had it last just an average of 1.5 days. Garlic is also full of vitamins, minerals, and fiber for overall health. Chop it up and sprinkle it on something every day, whether you’re sick or not!

Apple Cider Vinegar, Lemon, Honey, Ginger, and Water This remedy is great for coughs or sore throats, and should be consumed like a tea. Boil some hot water, add a capful of apple cider vinegar, a squeeze of fresh lemon, ½ a teaspoon of raw honey, and some sliced fresh ginger. The combination of acidity, B-vitamins, Vitamin C, and the general cocktail of immunity-boosting compounds will soothe irritation and help your body begin to recover. The warmth and mild sweetness will also soothe your soul and help you rest while keeping you hydrated.

Oil of oregano This is most effective if taken right after exposure or at the first sign of a cold. It can also help to relieve sinus congestion when combined with steaming hot water and inhaled deeply. Oil of oregano is available at many health food stores and is a powerful anti-microbial that can stop viruses and bacteria from proliferating.  

Coconut oil and peppermint/eucalyptus essential oil This makes a great chest rub if your lungs are feeling sore and your sinuses aren’t clear. Combine a dollop of coconut oil with a few drops of peppermint and/or eucalyptus oil and rub it on your chest or back before going to sleep. The soothing massage will relieve some of the physical discomfort while the essential oils can help clear your breathing passages as you inhale the oils while sleeping.

Additional ways to reduce the severity and duration of colds:

What’s your go-to natural cold remedy? Share in the comments below!

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